April 24, 2024

Spain to consider euthanasia laws after citizens initiative fails in Finland

Spain will countenance a euthanasia bill after Finland resoundingly rejects citizens initiative.

Spain’s national parliament has voted to consider a bill that would legalise euthanasia and assisted suicide in the country, though the prospects of legalisation succeeding are slim.

Parliamentarians voted 175-136 in favour of examining the bill, with 32 abstentions. The ruling Partido Popular opposed the examination of bill, while a series of smaller left-leaning parties supported it.

The bill seeks to alter article 143 of Spain’s criminal code, which currently prohibits assisting another person in ending their life. It would legalise euthanasia and assisted suicide for people with a terminal and incurable illness.

The Spanish decision comes in the wake of the decision of Finland’s national parliament (Riksdag) to reject a citizens’ initiative to legalise euthanasia. The proposal was resoundingly defeated 128 to 60, though parliamentarians agreed to set up a working group to investigate legislation surrounding end of life care.

Spain to consider euthanasia laws after citizens initiative fails in Finland
Xavier Symons
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